Hand In Home makes going to dinner or dining at home easy. We will place you with experienced and fun babysitters while you enjoy your evening out on Nantucket.
If you decide to stay in and host a dinner or cocktail party, have us do it for you. We staff kitchen helpers that will help you prep, serve food and drinks and clean up while you attend to your guest.
Email us today handinhomeack@gmail.com to hire a babysitter or kitchen helper.
Email us to get a quote on services
A credit card is required to book the appointments. Payment is due after the services are rendered. An invoice will be sent with the total charges which are payable by cash, venmo or credit card on file.
We ask that all appointments be cancelled within 72 hours. An agency fee is due for appointments cancelled outside 72 hours. Appointments cancelled in less than 24 hours will be charged for four hours of services.